Friday, February 25, 2011

Quilting in the new economy

Life in the new and different economy in the USA. Most of us in the world have been directly or indirectly affected by in the last few years and America’s economy. Here on the East coast I imagine we are much less hard hit then in other places. Less work, less jobs for all.

I live in a very quilt and fabric minded area of the country. There are many quilt shops and lot’s of cotton fabric for us to view and touch when selecting & creating our new quilts.

Unfortunately I have noticed there are far fewer quilt shops and a much smaller selection of good quality fabrics even here in the Lancaster, PA area. I yearn for the good old days yet am thankful for what I do have access too.

I too have a pretty extensive fabric and thread collection to choose from which I have collected over the last ten years along. And ;-) some of my mom’s too. I am always on the look out for a good yard sale or tag sale when traveling since you never know what great treasures I will find. So when you’re out and about keep your eyes open, you just may see me. Please stop and say hello as one quilter to another. I will be glad to share my best secret and popular quilt shops with you.

I have not written for a while and I apologize. I am back to tell you I am thinking of moving to another part of the country. My children are grown and on their own. I think I may have told you I am a widow since 1998. No please don’t be sorry. I am happy and have a good life.

My daughter moved to Hawaii 8 months ago so that is one of the places I am considering seriously. Another is Vermont near a friend of 20 + years raves of the clean, clear beauty with little crime and lot’s of snow.

Hawaii by far sounds more inviting with my arthritis I will be able to get more quilting done and lot’s of physical activity due to the warm weather. And of course it’s Paradise but so is Vermont in a different way.

The deciding factor will be of course where I find a good job. If you know of any please send me an email to thanks for your help!

I am looking all over the country so don’t be shy.

I also sell my quilts, take commission orders complete or to help you finish one of yours. Feel free to ask any questions I am here to help at very reasonable rates. I do hand and machine quilting as you prefer.

Right now I am working on a new commission quilt idea. An elderly woman ordered a queen size bed quilt. It is based on a painting hanging in her bedroom which she gazes at longingly. In the forefront will be white Day Lilly’s with a variety of muted and military greens for the stalks and leaves. The background is a wonderful shade of medium and rich burnt reds.

It will take me a minimum of 4 to 6 months and a maximum of 12 to find all the fabrics, get her approval and complete this lovely project. She gave me the go ahead today. I am excited and already started with the design process.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



I was or should I say my sister & daughter were contacted then myself on a very cool site. from my cousin Max. A man I never know existed. Nor the hundreds of other. This is definitely interesting. Take a few minutes and see if you family is there. You may be amazed.

I wrote to Max and suggested we have a family reunion. When I was a child I remember we had one every year. We drove for hours to a park in New York. Thru some bad neighborhoods and some very nice ones thru Greenich Village too. It was exciting, an adventure.

If you find anything interesting please fee to share it with me.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

designing bathrooms

I am designing one of many bathrooms today for a new client. We will also sell all the material and install it. This is part of my day job. I also do the same for kitchens, offices... residential and commercial in several states.

Being an artist and fluent in many mediums helps with my art and my work. They are all inter-related.

This is an older woman, retired, 71 yrs young and definitely knows her own mind. I especially like customers like that. I can steer her in a direction but she has definitely likes and dislikes.

You have no idea how many people have no clue what material they like, or even what colors make them feel good or not. So I usually start there, with color and lots of questions.

I love this part of my job.

Creating art and beauty is a wonderful feeling whether it is for myself or others, I love it. Anyone out there wanting some help designing or creating together send me an email if your serious. Please no SPAM! It's rude and annoying and I will not respond.

I want to sneak in a few moments of the book I am reading by Kay Hooper, Blood Ties which I just started. I really like her para-psyc books too.

Ok Back to designing and select tile and patterns.

books I like

Long time, I know. I have been so busy as so many of us are.
I recently read an author I have not in quite a while. Karen Marie Moning, The Fever series. I reccomend it highly. Though it is not for everyone check it out.

Also I found a blog written by 2 fun & interesting women
Kate & Amber
they also like to read books in this genre supernatural +
I am glad I did!
Thanks Katie

Friday, August 28, 2009

Home made recipes to share? Deoderant

Does anyone have home made recipes that are healthy & safe such as Laundry detergent, tooth paste, soap, salves? I am interested in putting together a recipe blog of this sort to share. So please if you are like minded email me with your recipes that you have tried and like.
Thank you

Here is the first one I have found

DEODERANT RECIPE, ylang yang and orange from Any Karol

3 Tablespoons shea butter
3 Tablespoons baking soda
2 Tablespoons corn starch
2 Tablespoons cocoa butter
2 vitamin E oil gel caps (puncture and squeeze out the oil)
Essential Oil (I used ylang yang and orange) Feel free to try other oils but be careful to use oils that are safe for skin.

I melted all the ingredients (except the oils) and gave it a good stir. If you do this on the stove use a thermometer, if you make it to hot for to long the crystals will seperate and cause problems. Then added the oils, stirred again, and poured it in a jar, then placed it in the fridge to set. This recipe filled the jar in my hand, which is a 1/4 pint.

You can buy the cocoa butter and shea butter from us at

along with many other ingredients, oils, salts and may other skin care items.

I'm on week 3 and it works so well, I am stunned. When it's cold in the bathroom, it's not as smooth, but the warmth from my fingers softens it up enough to spread on. On hot days the texture is perfect. I can scoop a little bit out of the jar, roll it into a pea-sized ball, and rub it in. I am very very happy with it. I found other recipes online for cream deodorants that have beeswax, vegetable glycerin all kinds of combos.

It smells wonderful. And remember to make small batches. the Vit E helps tto preserv e it. You may want to add a little vegetable glycerin to make it softer.

It works well, try it and let me know what you think or if you would like to order some form us. Carin

Woman Owned Business & summer eats

Boy I want to share something, a valuable lesson I learned in life and construction. As a woman and a business owner many men are really nasty. Down right mean. They not only want you to fail they go out of their way to do unethical and unlawful things to make you miserable and destroy your business. They do not play well with other!

There is so much $ and work out there. More then enough for all of us to make a good living. But no they have to be so competitive and cruel.

I will not give up I just keep moving forward and doing the right thing as much as possible. I am a strong and determined woman. When one door closes another opens and that is so true.

I recommend to all women do not give up. If it will not work one way then try another until it works.

Also encourage other women. And go out of your way to buy from Women first when ever possible. If you go to buy a car tell then no thank you I want a woman sales person. Same thing in any business where there is a choice. The good old boy network needs to learn just how powerful women can be.

And by all means stick together. Hire women when ever possible.

The best advice I eve received was “so your afraid, so be afraid and do it anyway” from my Mom Iris Becker.

Now for fruitful sharing.

It is summer and great tomatoes, zuccini, cucumber… Try heirloom types. They have less cellulite and a MUCH BETTER OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR. You will be so happy you did.

I wait all year for fresh fruit and veggies. I eat tomatoes like apples. I know some of you are saying gross but I love it.

As far as quilting goes I am in the process of making 2 quilts. I am involved with quilts for kids thru Zoey Quilts and also Quilts for Kids. I will try to get a pic on here soon.

Quilting is so relaxing for me. I know some of you are thinking I am nuts, LOL. But it really does. Try it you may like it.

Talk to you soon


Thursday, May 8, 2008

For Evil To Succeed

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" by Edmund Burke.  So what about women?