Wednesday, September 8, 2010



I was or should I say my sister & daughter were contacted then myself on a very cool site. from my cousin Max. A man I never know existed. Nor the hundreds of other. This is definitely interesting. Take a few minutes and see if you family is there. You may be amazed.

I wrote to Max and suggested we have a family reunion. When I was a child I remember we had one every year. We drove for hours to a park in New York. Thru some bad neighborhoods and some very nice ones thru Greenich Village too. It was exciting, an adventure.

If you find anything interesting please fee to share it with me.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

designing bathrooms

I am designing one of many bathrooms today for a new client. We will also sell all the material and install it. This is part of my day job. I also do the same for kitchens, offices... residential and commercial in several states.

Being an artist and fluent in many mediums helps with my art and my work. They are all inter-related.

This is an older woman, retired, 71 yrs young and definitely knows her own mind. I especially like customers like that. I can steer her in a direction but she has definitely likes and dislikes.

You have no idea how many people have no clue what material they like, or even what colors make them feel good or not. So I usually start there, with color and lots of questions.

I love this part of my job.

Creating art and beauty is a wonderful feeling whether it is for myself or others, I love it. Anyone out there wanting some help designing or creating together send me an email if your serious. Please no SPAM! It's rude and annoying and I will not respond.

I want to sneak in a few moments of the book I am reading by Kay Hooper, Blood Ties which I just started. I really like her para-psyc books too.

Ok Back to designing and select tile and patterns.

books I like

Long time, I know. I have been so busy as so many of us are.
I recently read an author I have not in quite a while. Karen Marie Moning, The Fever series. I reccomend it highly. Though it is not for everyone check it out.

Also I found a blog written by 2 fun & interesting women
Kate & Amber
they also like to read books in this genre supernatural +
I am glad I did!
Thanks Katie